Exploring Engineering at STEAM

An impactful project aimed at inspiring girls in Swindon to embrace engineering! In collaboration with Girlguiding South West England and Polydron.

Girl Guding X STEAM Museum

Members of Girlguiding from targeted areas of Swindon joined us at STEAM for a fun filled day exploring science and engineering. We had girls from Rainbow units (aged 4 – 7), Brownies (aged 7 – 10), Guides (aged 10 – 14), and Rangers (aged 14 – 18). At the end of the day girls gained a specially designed STEAM badge. The event was popular, and we have had requests from other Girlguiding units wishing to attend a similar day. As a result, we are running two more days this year, on Saturday 16th March 2024 and Saturday 7th September 2024.

Sawfish are also called carpenter sharks...but they are rays, not sharks!

There’s also a species called a sawshark, but that’s, well, a shark!

What the heck is a lek?

Males great bustards perform spectacular courtship displays, gathering at a ‘lek’ or small display ground to try to impress the females.

Road Runner!

The great bustard has a dignified slow walk but tends to run when disturbed, rather than fly.

Belly Buster!

The hen-bird on display at The Salisbury Museum was one of the last great bustards to be eaten in the town!

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