Elisabeth Frink: A View from Within

Dorset Museum & Art Gallery 

Museum & Art Swindon

The Salisbury Museum 

Supported by Wessex Museums, Dorset Museum & Art Gallery presents an extraordinary exhibition showcasing a captivating body of work by Elisabeth Frink created at her studio in Dorset between 1976 and 1993, where she produced some of her most important work. Collaborating with local people to develop stories and themes, the exhibition aims to build local knowledge and pride in Elisabeth Frink as a Dorset artist. The exhibition launched at Dorset Museum in December 2023 and will later tour to Swindon Museum & Art Gallery in 2024 and The Salisbury Museum in 2025. 

The exhibition offers a glimpse into Fink’s artistic process, personal life, and profound influences that shaped her iconic artwork. Through her sculptures, prints, drawings, and personal possessions, visitors will gain a unique insight into Frink’s creative world. 

The exhibition at Dorset Museum & Art Gallery will include work by members of the Dorset Deaf Activities Group (DDAG) created through the Awakened by Frink project, also supported by Wessex Museums. 

December 2023
2 December 2023 - 21 April
Exhibition at Dorset Museum & Art Gallery.
Dates TBC
Exhibition at Museum & Art Swindon
Dates TBC
Exhibition at The Salisbury Museum

Awakened by Frink

Awakened by Frink is a collaboration with Dorset Deaf Activities Group (DDAG). The group co-created an exhibition of artwork during a series of workshops at Dorset Museum & Art Gallery. The project ran over three months in 2023, enabling Dorset Museum & Art Gallery to engage underserved audiences with the collections and encourage their deeper understanding and appreciation of the Elisabeth Frink collection held by the museum. 

During the project, participants were given the opportunity to be involved in the development of themes for the main exhibition, acquire new artistic skills, and develop an understanding of how the Elisabeth Frink collection can be used as a resource to promote learning and well-being. 

Project photos of Awakened by Frink taken by Adam Millward, click to view.

This project will address Wessex Museums' strategic aims to:

  • Create partnership exhibitions and programmes that unite us, tell the stories of Wessex, respond to contemporary issues and engage more diverse audiences.

  • Use our collections to better tell the stories of the Wessex region.

  • Engage underserved audiences through relevant and co-curated events and activities.

Project updates

Awakened by Frink making sculptures

Awakened by Frink

Awakened by Frink The Awakened by Frink project involved a series of art workshops with the Dorset Deaf Activities Group. During the project, participants were given

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Sawfish are also called carpenter sharks...but they are rays, not sharks!

There’s also a species called a sawshark, but that’s, well, a shark!

What the heck is a lek?

Males great bustards perform spectacular courtship displays, gathering at a ‘lek’ or small display ground to try to impress the females.

Road Runner!

The great bustard has a dignified slow walk but tends to run when disturbed, rather than fly.

Belly Buster!

The hen-bird on display at The Salisbury Museum was one of the last great bustards to be eaten in the town!

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