Awakened by Frink

The Awakened by Frink project involved a series of art workshops with the Dorset Deaf Activities Group. During the project, participants were given the opportunity to be involved in the development of themes for the main exhibition, acquire new artistic skills, and develop an understanding of how the Elisabeth Frink collection can be used as a resource to promote learning and well-being. 

Sawfish are also called carpenter sharks...but they are rays, not sharks!

There’s also a species called a sawshark, but that’s, well, a shark!

What the heck is a lek?

Males great bustards perform spectacular courtship displays, gathering at a ‘lek’ or small display ground to try to impress the females.

Road Runner!

The great bustard has a dignified slow walk but tends to run when disturbed, rather than fly.

Belly Buster!

The hen-bird on display at The Salisbury Museum was one of the last great bustards to be eaten in the town!

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